
The color of the horse


Pinto says, "The horse is not Black."
Sandy says, "The horse is either Brown or Grey."
Andy says, "The horse is Brown."

At least one is telling truth and at least one is lying.

Can you tell the color of the horse?

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The color of the horse can be any color other than Black and Brown.

If the color of the horse is Black - all are lying. If the color of the horse is Brown - all are telling truth. Thus, the horse is neither Black nor Brown. If the color of the horse is Grey - Pinto and Sandy are telling truth whereas Andy is lying. If the color of the horse is other than Black, Brown and Grey - Pinto is telling truth whereas Sandy and Andy are lying. You must have noticed that for the given conditions, Pinto is always telling truth whereas Andy is always lying.


pg... said...

Horse colr is grey(any color except black and brown)

Anonymous said...

pg is right. Horse colour is grey. (any color except Black and brown)..

If first statement is wrong, Horse is black and other two statements are also wrong.

If first statement is right, Second may be right or wrong and third is wrong.

Balaji said...

Answer is grey

probe said...

The answer to the question
"Can you tell the color of the horse?" is "No you cant"

Clearly what Pinto says is true and what Andy says is lie.

This leaves us with Sandy's statement "The horse is either Brown or Grey". We know the horse is not brown from Andy's statement.

This leaves us with one choice which is "Horse maybe grey", but that is not concrete since as per the puzzle the third statement maybe true or lie.

So the correct anwer is "No we cant tell the color of the horse"

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