


After a local shop robbery, four suspects were being interviewed. Below is a summary of their statements. Police know that each of them told the truth in one of the statements and lied in the other. From this information can you tell who committed the crime?

Anil said:
It wasn't Deepak
It wasn't Bhaskar
Bhaskar said:
It wasn't Charan
It was Deepak
Charan said:
It was Anil
It wasn't Depak
Deepak said:
It was Charan
It wasn't Anil

For Solution visit the blog tomorrow.

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Bhaskar robbed the store.


pg... said...


Jayant said...

PG's right again...
Bhaskar it is...Maybe Anil's statement shouldn't really be the first one...Because Anil's statements are the best place to start from, because both are negations, so, all that has to be done in such kinda questions is find the set with all negatives, and then to decide which one to take as true, find another set of statements which has the opposite (positive) of that statement...After that you'd be pretty close to a good pick :)...

Sri Raj said...

It is Bhaskar

Gaurav Jain said...


Anonymous said...

its bhaskar

Unknown said...

Actually the answer is wrong. the correct answer is "we can't tell who is the robber(s)".
Puzzle never said there was only one robber. If more than one robbers are allowed then everyone except Bhaskar is also a correct answer. Anil lied on the first answer (Deepak is guilty, Bhaskar is not guilty), Bhaskar lied on his second answer (both Charan and Deepak are guilty), Charan lied on his first answer (both Anil and Depak are guilty), Deepak lied on his second answer (both Charan and Anil are guilty).

From A's answer: B!D | D!B
From B's answer: CD | !C!D
From C's answer: AD | !A!D
From D's answer: CA | !C!A

Combining them we will have:
(B!DCD | B!D!C!D | D!BCD | D!B!C!D)& (ADCA | AD!C!D | !A!DCA | !A!D!C!D)
(B!D|D!B) = 0 because of B&!B=0
D!BCD = D!BC because D&D=D
If we continue solving this equasion it will end up looking like this:
which means either B is guilty of ACD are guilty.