You have a 12 liter jug, an 8 liter jug, and a 5 liter jug. The 12 liter jug is full, and the other two are empty. How can you divide the 12 liters of water equally (i.e., so two of the jugs have exactly 6 liters of water in them, and the third is empty)?
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Fill the 8 liter jug with the 12 liter jug, leaving 4 liters remaining. Fill the 5 liter jug with the 8 liter jug, leaving 3 liters remaining. Empty the 5 liter jug into the 12 liter jug. Now there are 9 liters in the 12 liter jug and 3 liters in the 8 liter jug. Pour the 3 liters from the 8 liter jug into the 5 liter jug. Now fill the 8 liter jug with water from the 12 liter jug, leaving 1 liter in the 12 liter jug. Fill the 5 liter jug (which already has 3 liters in it) from the 8 liter jug, leaving 6 liters in the 8 liter jug. Empty the 5 liter jug into the 12 liter jug. Now there are 6 liters in the 12 liter jug, 6 liters in the 8 liter jug, and the 5 liter jug is empty.
12 0 0
4 8 0
4 3 5
9 3 0
9 0 3
1 8 3
1 6 5
6 6 0 --> Done
12 0 0
4 8 0
4 3 5
9 3 0
9 0 3
1 8 3
1 6 5
6 6 0
12 0 0
4 8 0
0 8 4
8 4 0
6 6 0
Sorry wrong
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